Tuesday 5 January 2016

Introduction to the tech fair

Criteria A
Week 1:
This week I had started researching and finding a specific topic to start for the tech fair project. In class Yousief and I were thinking of working together and finding a topic for the both us. First we had thought of a hoverboard but after researching it was pretty complicated and the both of us barely understood. When we searched on images of hoverboards we a saw a boat shaped vehicle riding the water. We opened the website and saw that it was called a hovercraft. We searched on google images hovercraft and we saw on Youtube that many people made small constructions of a hovercraft which works. We continued watching and saw the ways to make an RC hover craft. We have finished of the task for the day given to us

Week 2:
This week we had got our final idea which was the RC hovercraft. We started on the powerpoint and from then on we collected materials as we went on throughout the weeks. It was quite expensive so we had to think of ways to earn money. We had snipped the website page and locations of where we can find the materials. We started working on the actual material/ project.

Week 3:
This was the worst week for me Yousief  kicked me out of the group for no reason and went on working alone. It was really hard when I already made the video with him. so I went on looking for another partner and I had finally found a partner which was also looking for one. It was Karim he had appreciated me and from then on we have been working together really well. Karim sent me the powerpoint he had made and from that week we always finished our work on time and in the amount of time given. We started on our video and we agreed to finish everything on that day so I can send it to him so he posts it on Blogger.

Week 4:
Durnig this week it was evaluation week, we had to make a peer evaluation and a self evaluation. Karim could not keep contact so for the peer evaluation I did it for my self. Karim and I have worked well since then.

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