Monday 25 April 2016

Term 3 - Scratch programming project

Statement of Inquiry
Computational Creation enables me to be creative
In Term 3 we will be working on Scratch programming. This is creative computing and enables us to explore various sprites and commands in Scratch. 

Global context

ATL skills

Information literacy:
I will be using my research skills and understand programming codes and controls using scratch program. I will be using Scratch help from the pull down menu as well as other videos on scratch programming codes to enable me to complete the program. The storyboard that website should enable me to create online storyboards for my design ideas.

I will present my program by creating it on Scratch. I am going to communicate and spread awareness to all the viewers that are interested . I made this project to communicate and create awareness about global issues/ environmental issues. I can communicate with pictures and with many different voices. I really want this to stop all over the earth and I want to keep earth as clean and protected as possible. All of these conclude to that I can communicate in an effective way and all the people in the world will learn and share it to all their relatives.

Globalization and Sustainability:

The research links because of it relating to the global impact on our actions that effect  the world, Everyone around the world must work together to make a better place for life stopping all danger and animal cruelty. 

Task 1- About Me


I have made a a program about me talking about my favorite sport and what I like to do. I have used coding and images from the internet. after  my speech is done you can move the person around the whole picture/background. When you move the mouse it will follow it. It came up because I love sports and I have already used scratch before. I have learnt some new programming tools and new coding ways. I learnt new ways of coding and inserting different aupporting tools to my program to make it more interesting for the viewers.

Scratch project- Term 3

For this term I have been asked to create a story using scratch programming. The story should either create an awareness of either an environmental issue or asocial issue or something that interests me.

Criterion A- Inquiry and analysis
I am thinking about picking a topic called ''Global warming" and i am going to make a program which relates to an environmental issue around the world mostly in the north pole for the animals over there. I am going to use scratch for showing how the north pole used to be in the past and how it is in the present times. I am going to use lots of animals and many landscape background to show a story between different areas of time. The tools on scratch is going to be used for changing the backgrounds and moving the animals around. I am showing and presenting awareness around the neighborhood. and the country. I am going to post it online for the people to see.

I also have an idea about Deforestation because it also spreads awareness and it uses many animals which catch peoples attention and also making a game out of it or I can combine the Global Warming one with this one as well. It might be a good idea to show the differences and the similarities. The game will show how to protect the environment and what you can do which will help so many animals and people in their lives. it is a really good way to influence other peoples lives. I am really excited. I am hoping for outstanding grades.

 My story board:
Environmental Issues


 After these two story boards I have picked the environmental issues project because I love animals and I think it is more of an issue not only to us but to everyone in the world including the animals. The second one I do not really know much about that specific topic but on the other hand I know so much about animals and the earth. I love animals and I have taken part in cleaning the beach. It took quite a long to pick some rubbish. We had to dive underwater and organize a very special way of keeping rubbish away from waters and saving animal lives. Animals and nature are an advantage to all humans in the world because of the oxygen, the reproduction and food chains of animals. These are the reasons for my educational choice.

Self Evaluation:

Peer Evaluation:

I think Yousief was also fair with me and I think he has done well with his video. I really hope he enjoyed my video and gave good remarks about this short program. I hope miss accepts it and enjoys my video as well as marking it.

By: Yousief Amr 7BB


I think Christopher was fair with his marking and I would have done the same for myself. It was fun watching his and I think he has enjoyed mine too. I hope miss thinks the same and applies and provides good marks for Christopher as well as myself. 

By: Christopher Wochner 7BB

Overall I think I have done well but i think i could have done better. My project got deleted at first but then I had to recreate in a better format which did not go as well as I thought but still with my effort so I hope you enjoy and learn from this. My project was specifically about global warming and also about what it was like after global warming. I am hoping you enjoy. This effects the society by helping people understand about what all these green gases do to our innocent world. This will help many people and also affect the society. Hope you enjoyed by blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam,
    Your blog is organized but missing on
    -Annotations for design
    -A complete story
    -The actual process of creating reflections
    -The Global contexts
    -The finished scratch screen embedded
    If you need a good level you need to display all of these on your blog.
