Monday, 25 April 2016

Term 3 - Scratch programming project

Statement of Inquiry
Computational Creation enables me to be creative
In Term 3 we will be working on Scratch programming. This is creative computing and enables us to explore various sprites and commands in Scratch. 

Global context

ATL skills

Information literacy:
I will be using my research skills and understand programming codes and controls using scratch program. I will be using Scratch help from the pull down menu as well as other videos on scratch programming codes to enable me to complete the program. The storyboard that website should enable me to create online storyboards for my design ideas.

I will present my program by creating it on Scratch. I am going to communicate and spread awareness to all the viewers that are interested . I made this project to communicate and create awareness about global issues/ environmental issues. I can communicate with pictures and with many different voices. I really want this to stop all over the earth and I want to keep earth as clean and protected as possible. All of these conclude to that I can communicate in an effective way and all the people in the world will learn and share it to all their relatives.

Globalization and Sustainability:

The research links because of it relating to the global impact on our actions that effect  the world, Everyone around the world must work together to make a better place for life stopping all danger and animal cruelty. 

Task 1- About Me


I have made a a program about me talking about my favorite sport and what I like to do. I have used coding and images from the internet. after  my speech is done you can move the person around the whole picture/background. When you move the mouse it will follow it. It came up because I love sports and I have already used scratch before. I have learnt some new programming tools and new coding ways. I learnt new ways of coding and inserting different aupporting tools to my program to make it more interesting for the viewers.

Scratch project- Term 3

For this term I have been asked to create a story using scratch programming. The story should either create an awareness of either an environmental issue or asocial issue or something that interests me.

Criterion A- Inquiry and analysis
I am thinking about picking a topic called ''Global warming" and i am going to make a program which relates to an environmental issue around the world mostly in the north pole for the animals over there. I am going to use scratch for showing how the north pole used to be in the past and how it is in the present times. I am going to use lots of animals and many landscape background to show a story between different areas of time. The tools on scratch is going to be used for changing the backgrounds and moving the animals around. I am showing and presenting awareness around the neighborhood. and the country. I am going to post it online for the people to see.

I also have an idea about Deforestation because it also spreads awareness and it uses many animals which catch peoples attention and also making a game out of it or I can combine the Global Warming one with this one as well. It might be a good idea to show the differences and the similarities. The game will show how to protect the environment and what you can do which will help so many animals and people in their lives. it is a really good way to influence other peoples lives. I am really excited. I am hoping for outstanding grades.

 My story board:
Environmental Issues


 After these two story boards I have picked the environmental issues project because I love animals and I think it is more of an issue not only to us but to everyone in the world including the animals. The second one I do not really know much about that specific topic but on the other hand I know so much about animals and the earth. I love animals and I have taken part in cleaning the beach. It took quite a long to pick some rubbish. We had to dive underwater and organize a very special way of keeping rubbish away from waters and saving animal lives. Animals and nature are an advantage to all humans in the world because of the oxygen, the reproduction and food chains of animals. These are the reasons for my educational choice.

Self Evaluation:

Peer Evaluation:

I think Yousief was also fair with me and I think he has done well with his video. I really hope he enjoyed my video and gave good remarks about this short program. I hope miss accepts it and enjoys my video as well as marking it.

By: Yousief Amr 7BB


I think Christopher was fair with his marking and I would have done the same for myself. It was fun watching his and I think he has enjoyed mine too. I hope miss thinks the same and applies and provides good marks for Christopher as well as myself. 

By: Christopher Wochner 7BB

Overall I think I have done well but i think i could have done better. My project got deleted at first but then I had to recreate in a better format which did not go as well as I thought but still with my effort so I hope you enjoy and learn from this. My project was specifically about global warming and also about what it was like after global warming. I am hoping you enjoy. This effects the society by helping people understand about what all these green gases do to our innocent world. This will help many people and also affect the society. Hope you enjoyed by blog post.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Evaluation for each tech fair project

A video game called tanks was created by Rakan. Rakan has made a video game which no one will pay for and no one can cheat. It is a one versus one mini game. Every time you win a round the screen gets much darker for the winner to make it harder. It is a really fun game and each tank has 200 health. The game is very addicting and he was very creative. Rakan you could have put it in an online mode and more multiplayers. It was good he used the unity software. He should have improved it and he could also helped the environment and I do not think he should go to the techfair.

Christopher & Bhavya:
They have made a robot called a Blinky. The robot is useful because it can carry stuff and move forward.. It is really good for helping in restaurants for carrying the tips and taking desserts to people. It is very useful and they only done it during the weekend. I would not pick them because they could have made it move forwards, sideways and backwards.

He has made a usb powered mini a/c which is very helpful to many people and is very complicated and is very useful in poor countries. I love the way he explained every step. Yousief used it on his XBOX and his computer and it actually works. I would pick him for the tech fair because he has given lots of effort and he has picked a very helpful object/ invention.

He has made 2 projects a quad copter and an air freshener. The quad copter consists of many things including a mother board and the propellers and other peices. It can fly high and it can get charged really quickly, It lands properly and it is really safe. It is very fragile and it can very easily break. It can be used for the military for finding missing objects. The air freshener is made up of  a fan from a computer and used a  good smell. I do not think he should go to the tech fair because the stuff were bought and he had copied yousief''s idea.

Dominique & Hannah
They have made a triple purpose car. It is a drone, a transporter, it is also a stand for a camera. It had been made by lego and a car bought, Paper/ cardboard box and a boba clips and a phone. It has a remote control and the charger is in the remote control. The car is fast and it is not as big. I do not think they should go to the tech fair because it looks bought and it is not useful ad kind of broken.

Jasmine & Francesca
They are talking about air vacuums and they have bought a car with an air vacuum and they have made a track. they have created a challenge for the people to ride around the track without hitting any objects and obstacles. You can attach a camera to your car to make it record where ever it is going. i do not think they should go to the tech fair because it does not help the society and they did not create it.

Yahya & Azaan:
They have made a vehicle The wheelie cyclone. The project is a lego made 4 wheeled car with a programming box. It helps society because it moves quick and it looks very nice, If it was for sale many people would have bought it and caught peoples attention. The materials were an NXT box, Lots of lego, Wires, A light sensor, Ultra sonic sensor and an application used to control the car. I think they should go to the tech fair because they have built it from scratch and it looks quite cool and is very attractive and they gave a lot of effort. I think they should go to the tech fair. They had also programmed it.

 Alexandra & Khanda
They have made a movie experience and a projector for the tech fair. It is made of cardboard and it uses a magnifying glass and a phone. It is used to light up the area and show something. It is a mini projector which only works  in a dark area. it is a creative idea and many people can do the same which is the bad part it is not unique and it is very easy to make. I do not think they should go because it is so easy to make and many people can make it very easily. I do not think they gave much effort. They have also made a utencil holding thing which has all materials needed for each lesson.

Armaan & Omar:
Armaan and Omar made a light emotion censor, it is used to light up dark areas and it turns on and is also used as an alarm. It has a cable to connect it to. It made up of many wires and a base for all the censoring. It has detective motion. They have given a lot of effort and I really think their invention is pretty interesting. They have downloaded a software for the coding and made the light censor. I think they should go to the tech fair for thinking outside the box and taking time to make the invention.

Lina & Ban:
They have made a robotic arm out of metals and other materials. Yhey have used programming and it is useful in many ways for example picking items up and taking something from place to place. The way it looks is really nice. Many people would want it and people would love having it as a really good use. I do not think they should go because it was bought and most of it and many people can do the same.

He has made a robot which can move around and it is not very attractive and only moves slowly and not as good as an actual robot. It can get broken really easily and it is not water proof and is not resistant to water and it does not work that well. It can be used for entertainment and other stuff. I do not think he should go to the tech fair because it looks like it has had effort put in that much. He does not want to go any way

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Troubles and difficulties during tech fair

Troubles and difficulties:
In the first week of doing the tech fair project I have working very well but because of all the assessments Yousef and I could not meet. We had many Ideas but it was hard for me to keep contact. After that week he had disagreed to work with me for no reason, so I went on looking for another partner and I had finally found a partner which was also looking for one. It was Karim he had appreciated me and from then on we have been working together really well. There was another difficulty which was that Karim and I could not find our materials needed especially a hamster ball for the outer layer of the project. We started checking pet shops and asking some students if they have had a hamster with the ball. So Karim and I decided that we will meet up and he will take the sphero with him and I will show him the stores to check the sizes for the object.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Introduction to the tech fair

Criteria A
Week 1:
This week I had started researching and finding a specific topic to start for the tech fair project. In class Yousief and I were thinking of working together and finding a topic for the both us. First we had thought of a hoverboard but after researching it was pretty complicated and the both of us barely understood. When we searched on images of hoverboards we a saw a boat shaped vehicle riding the water. We opened the website and saw that it was called a hovercraft. We searched on google images hovercraft and we saw on Youtube that many people made small constructions of a hovercraft which works. We continued watching and saw the ways to make an RC hover craft. We have finished of the task for the day given to us

Week 2:
This week we had got our final idea which was the RC hovercraft. We started on the powerpoint and from then on we collected materials as we went on throughout the weeks. It was quite expensive so we had to think of ways to earn money. We had snipped the website page and locations of where we can find the materials. We started working on the actual material/ project.

Week 3:
This was the worst week for me Yousief  kicked me out of the group for no reason and went on working alone. It was really hard when I already made the video with him. so I went on looking for another partner and I had finally found a partner which was also looking for one. It was Karim he had appreciated me and from then on we have been working together really well. Karim sent me the powerpoint he had made and from that week we always finished our work on time and in the amount of time given. We started on our video and we agreed to finish everything on that day so I can send it to him so he posts it on Blogger.

Week 4:
Durnig this week it was evaluation week, we had to make a peer evaluation and a self evaluation. Karim could not keep contact so for the peer evaluation I did it for my self. Karim and I have worked well since then.